To change the operation mode on Juniper switches from 10G to 1G or vice versa, you need to follow these steps:

1.Deactivate the current module:

set chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number offline

Replace slot-number with the appropriate slot number of the FPC (Flexible PIC Concentrator) where the module is installed. Substitute pic-number with the corresponding PIC (Physical Interface Card) number associated with the module.

For example, if you want to deactivate a module in FPC slot 0, PIC 1, the command would be:

set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 offline

2.Change the operation mode:

set chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number pic-mode-mode

Replace slot-number with the appropriate slot number of the FPC where the module is installed. Substitute pic-number with the corresponding PIC number associated with the module. Replace pic-mode-mode with the desired mode for the module, either “10g” for 10G operation or “1g” for 1G operation.

For example, if you want to change the operation mode of a module in FPC slot 0, PIC 1, from 10G to 1G, the command would be:

set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 pic-mode 1g

3.Activate the new mode:

set chassis fpc slot-number pic pic-number online

Replace slot-number with the appropriate slot number of the FPC where the module is installed. Substitute pic-number with the corresponding PIC number associated with the module.

For example, if you want to activate a module in FPC slot 0, PIC 1, after changing the mode, the command would be:

set chassis fpc 0 pic 1 online

NOTE:Remember to adjust the commands based on your specific Juniper switch model and the location of the modules.